Labour Law

Labour Law Attorneys in Johannesburg, the Gauteng and South Africa

At Alan Levy Attorneys, Notaries and Conveyancers, our Labour Law Department is a one-stop shop for all your Labour Law needs.  We assist employers and employees with dismissals and representation at the CCMA and Labour Court. 

We draft employment contracts and all associated labour law agreements.

Labour relations act

At Alan Levy Attorneys, Notaries and Conveyancers, we have a thorough knowledge of the Labour Relations Act and the intricacies of ensuring compliance with the Act. Trust us to protect all your rights and to advise you of the nuances in the Act, drafted for your protection.

Services offered

We offer the following services in Johannesburg, the Gauteng and the whole of South Africa:

  • Assisting employers with dismissals
  • Assisting employees with dismissals
  • CCMA representation
  • Labour Court representation
  • Drafting employment contracts
  • Drafting all other labour related contracts and documentation

Labour Law Department

Alan Levy

Alan Levy


Trisha Pillay
Senior Associate

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