What You Need To Know About Information and Deputy Information Officers for POPIA and PAIA

POPIA and PAIA compliance are hot on the lips of many companies right now, especially as the July 2021 deadline for registration of information officers draws ever closer. If you’ve already gone through the process, you’re ahead of the curve. If not, it’s not too late to get the registration forms submitted to the Information Regulator, to make sure you avoid penalties that could otherwise have been avoided. Once submitted, what do Information and Deputy Information Officers for POPIA and PAIA have to actually do? Today, we’ll touch on this, in order to help your business kickstart their compliance efforts. Both of these laws hold a special relationship as “information laws”, and because both are on different ends of the same continuum, they should be taken seriously with equal measure. 

Responsibilities In Terms of PAIA

Information officers have strict requirements to adhere to to ensure compliance. Although these can be fairly vast, what it comes down to is that the officers are primarily in charge of ensuring that the company is compliant with the Act from here on forward. That includes developing a PAIA manual that the company will be implementing directly into their day-to-day business, as well as regulating the access to information as it is set out in the Act to begin with.

Need To Do’s In Terms of POPIA

POPIA expands on what the deputy and information officers need to do, and what they are responsible for at all ties. This includes encouraging compliance by lawfully processing personal information related to staff members and customers. They also need to handle all information requests made directly to the entity. These officers have a responsibility to work closely with the Information Regulator to ensure that it complies with all provisions of the Act, as well as taking full responsibility for additional responsibilities that may arise in future through possible amendments too.

Pen to sign compliance document for POPIA and PAIA

Guidance For All Information Officers

Taking on either role inside an organisation is a big responsibility, and should only be done after thoroughly understanding the responsibilities related to staying compliant. If the head of the company will not be taking on the role, it is recommended that an IT manager, security officer, legal advisor or someone in a similar role may be a suitable candidate. The Information Regulator has outlined a 29 page document meant to act as guidance for all Information Officers, in order to help them do the job to the best of their abilities. 

Managing Your Compliance

Now that you know a little more about what the roles entail, you may be looking for some expert advice related directly to your organisation. Alan Levy Attorneys is here to help make it as easy as possible. We can offer more detail, as well as help you to ensure compliance alongside the officers chosen. Get in touch with us today to see how we can assist in making life easier for you, while offering added peace of mind around staying on the ball relative to POPIA and PAIA.

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