Circular 61 – A Sectional Title Scheme must be registered with the CSOS, to have their amended conduct rules certified by the CSOS

Dear Valued Managing Agent

  1. Each and every month, ALA assists multiple sectional title complexes with updating and/or re-drafting their conduct rules. We also assist schemes to lodge the rules with the CSOS and to have them certified by the CSOS.
  2. We have now been informed by the CSOS that a certificate in terms of S10(5) of the Sectional Title Schemes Management Act, certifying the amendment or substitution of the rules will NOT be issued if the scheme has not registered itself with the CSOS.
  3. Each sectional title scheme is required in terms of Section 59(b)(iii) of the CSOS Act and Paragraph 18(3) of the CSOS Regulations to register itself with the CSOS using the prescribed attached CS1 form.
  4. The CS1 form requires in general, the particulars of the scheme, the details of the governance documents that regulate the management of the scheme, the details of the trustees and managing agent and the bank details of the scheme.
  5. In light of the above, please ensure that all of your sectional title schemes are registered with the CSOS.
  6. Please contact us if you need any assistance with amending your schemes conduct rules and/or with the registration of your scheme at the CSOS.

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